
June 17, 2009

Classic Grossness I

That's got to hurt! But why is that butter knife so sharp? And how come that lady is so mean?

About 3,000 years ago, meanies from Assyria (now northern Iraq) invaded Israel. And the Assrians were led by a general named Holofernes.

That’s him getting his head cut off.

Judith is the one with the sword. She was a Jewish woman who pretended to be willing to spy on the Israelites. She was allowed into Holofernes’ tent, and Judith took care of business!

Judith then escaped, and the Israelites rejoiced. As for the Assyrians, they ran away. (Hey, that’s what I’d do if someone cut off MY head!)

This painting of the event was done by the Italian artist Caravaggio about 400 years ago. (It hangs in Rome’s Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica.)

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