
July 10, 2009

TP Poetry

Wow, I found another item about toilet paper and poetry!

The average American uses 57 sheets of toilet paper daily. I don't know how much the average Japanese citizen uses, but to help the environment, Japanese bathroom researchers (really!) came up with the idea of “toilet poems” in Japan’s public restrooms.

So starting this year, Japanese public bathroom-goers reaching for a sheet began finding poetry written on their poo-tickets. Some examples:
—“That paper will meet you for but a moment.”
—“Fold the paper over and over and over and over again.”

—“Give love to the toilet.”

These must sound better in Japanese. Anyway, these messages were intended to encourage conservation, and they worked! There was a 10-20 percent drop in toilet paper use where the poems were placed. (Oh, the picture to the right is of the friendliest wall graffiti I've ever seen.)

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