
May 20, 2010

Pick Up the Wrong Pup's Poop? You're Under Arrest!

Sometimes when I'm walking our dog, Ruby, she poops. Then I pick up her dookie in a bio-friendly bag, wrap it in ANOTHER bag, and throw the poop away.

But sometimes at the park, I'll see some other dog's poop and try to decide: "Can I spare a bag to pick up that poop, too?"

And once in a great while, Ruby will poop in the park. But then I'll walk over and find that there are TWO dog poops...meaning that one of them is NOT Ruby's!

Naturally, I try to pick up BOTH dog poops, but if I'm low on bags, I'd have to guess as to which poop belongs to MY dog. And if I guess wrong, I could be in as much trouble as this grandmother. Pam Robson lives in England, and after her dog pooped in the park, Pam picked up the wrong pup's poop!

A couple of officials saw this, and they wrote Pam a ticket for about $75...for not picking up her dog's poop! This is a tricky one, because Pam was guilty, but even so, she DID pick up a dog's poop, so doesn't that even out on the dookie meter?

Finally, I don't want to brag, but Ruby is the BEST DOG IN THE WORLD. (That's her!)

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