
May 14, 2010

Twitter Saves This Guy's A**!

There are some people who think Twitter is useless. Poor fools! Don’t they know that Twitter can save lives?

Here’s what I mean: Recently, a Japanese Twitter user named naika_tei went into a public bathroom. That is, he went into a stall…and after busting a grumpy, he found that there was no toilet paper! 

Since nobody was IN the bathroom to help him out, naika_tei tweeted his request (below) for someone to save him by bringing some toilet paper…but nobody came!
Valiantly, our hero again tweeted that he was in the bathroom and could someone PLEASE help? And then…[drum roll]...a kind soul delivered some poop tickets to naika_tei! 

And so our hero was able to safely wipe his butt thanks to the magical power of Twitter! (I’m assuming he washed his iPhone with soap and water, though.)
(Do you know how cool I am?
I have a Twitter account too!)

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