
June 21, 2010

NEWSFLASH: Boy Wears Underwear (LOTS of Underwear!)

I’m not sure WHY someone would want to set the world record for wearing the most pairs of underwear at once…but I admire that kind of thinking!

So my hat’s off to 10-year old Jack Singer, who put on 215 pairs of underwear…and wore them all at the same time!
As you can see from this awesome video, Jack put on the initial underwear himself, but after a while, he needed help. And Jack paid a price for piling on the skivvies…his feet started to go numb from all those elastic bands cutting off his circulation!

And Jack did this at his own birthday party. How did the planning for this go?

Mom: Jack, what would you like for your birthday?
Jack: I’d like 215 pairs of underwear.
Mom: You got it. And what kind of cake?

(Hey, I wonder if Jack knows all the nicknames for underwear?)

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