
June 9, 2010

Toronto: It's Not Gross at All!

Well, THAT was fun!

I had a chance to go on Breakfast Television Toronto this week...above, you can see producer April (left) and host Dina Pugliese, look on as I deal with a skillet of writhing, twisting mealworm grubs! (You can see the video here.)

Oh, and I did use the radish strips after can see them in this picture (Dina is pretending to blow shredded cuttlefish out of her nose):
Another cool stop in Toronto was the YTV studio. (If you haven't seen it, YTV is like a Canadian Nickelodean.) There, cool-host-dude Carlos and I discussed things like slime eels and nicknames for underwear. Yes!
Now you may be wondering WHY these people would have a bald man with a bad fashion-sense on their shows...But hey, who ELSE could you invite on to talk about gross stuff?!

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