
August 14, 2010

Alien Poop from Outer Space!

Going poop in outer space isn’t easy…there’s no gravity!

And in Mary Roach’s cool book, Packing for Mars, I learned a new, gross term that has to do with this. It’s called “fecal popcorning.” (The word fecal relates to feces, or poop!) The astronauts used the term fecal popcorning to describe the sound that their poop made as it bounced off the walls of the space-toilet. It sounded like the popcorn in an air-pop machine!

Two other things I’ve learned: Space researchers needed to do a lot of experiments with vomit for times when the astronauts would blow chunks in outer space. To do this they didn’t use actual vomit, but they needed a vomit-like substance. So they used Progresso vegetable soup.

Oh, and during the Apollo 10 space mission in 1969, an alien snuck aboard the module! How else to explain what happened when astronaut Thomas Stafford saw a chunk of poop float by in the weightless cabin.

Who did it?” Stafford asked.

I didn't do it,” answered astronaut John Young. “It ain't one of mine.”

I don't think it's one of mine,” said astronaut Eugene Cernan.

Ah, but if NONE of the astronauts pooped the poop, there’s only ONE explanation for who did it!

Alien photo from here.

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