
August 30, 2010

Bowel-Howling at the Moon

There's a company called CharcoCaps that sells a product to reduce farting. Or does it cut back on cutting the cheese? Actually, CharcoCaps did a survey to see which term for flatulence people like to use. The results:
58% preferred "farts"
41% preferred "cutting the cheese"
 1% preferred "bowel howl"
Also on the survey: Where's the worst place to cut the cheese? The surveys says:
43% During a job interview.
24% In class or during a business meeting.
18% In a crowded elevator.
13% In a church/temple/synagogue/mosque. 
Here's a quiz that's up on the CharcoCaps website. I just have one question about it: What's "etiquette"?

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No bad words, thanks!