
August 28, 2010

Do Penguins Poop into the Wind?

Here's some advice: Don't spit or pee into a strong wind. I thought of this while reading a scientific article on the way that penguins poop.

Titled “Pressures produced when penguins pooh”, it’s about how penguins shoot poop from their butts in a tight stream. Yes, penguins can rocket their butt mud for huge distances! This may be so that the penguin can poop without leaving its nest. Another reason:
All birds, penguins included, spend a considerable time preening and cleaning their feathers. It seems therefore that these birds propel their [poop] as far away as possible...lest they soil their plumage…It is interesting to note that the streaks of [poop] radiate from the edge of the nest into all directions. Whether the bird deliberately chooses the direction...or whether this depends on the direction from which the wind blows at the time of evacuation are questions that need to be addressed on another expedition to Antarctica.
In other words, the scientists don’t know whether penguins avoid pooping into the wind or not!  


  1. My dear fellow, your last statement of:
    In other words, the scientists don’t know whether penguins avoid pooping into the wind or not!
    is most assuredly not proper English, at least not for a colonial such as your good self.

    Should you be interested in improving your literary prowress, particularly for such a technically oriented tome, this statement should read:
    In other words, the scientists will not be able to determine whether or not penguins avoid pooping into the wind until their next 7 figure government grant is approved!

    Proper phraseology can be so tricky, eh? I personally watch as much Sesame Street as I can ... no, not because of the English but because the nurses in charge of the common room here at the hospital won't change the channel...

    1. This is written for young readers, and the grammar used in it is fine.

  2. This post was brought to you by the letter "P" (for the most obvious of reasons).

    I stand do the penguins as they poop into and with the wind, waiting with bated breath for fully funded scientists to return and study their backsides!


No bad words, thanks!