
August 12, 2010

Um...I Don't Get It!

Okay, so I'm not supposed to stand on the toilet seat and poop...but what is the illustration to the left telling me?
Addition: In the comments, the most auspicious Ziggy Nixon explains that this is an instruction to put the toilet paper in the toilet. (Thanks, Ziggy!)

1 comment:

  1. Greetings oh Wise and Gross One! The image on the left indicates to throw the toilet paper IN the toilet when used. In some areas of the world, this is not allowed because of either processing restrictions or even private waste storage. Seriously, I have stayed in hotels in the UK where flushing anything down besides what came out of you is strictly verboten! The one on the right is no doubt a nod as well to the toilets you find particularly in places like France, where some unnamed religions do not allow you to sit on any object where another person has placed their privates. Yummmmmeeee!!


No bad words, thanks!