
September 6, 2010

A Red Loo Where You Can Poo!

You’ve seen these red telephone booths from Great Britain before, right? Well, they’re so cool looking, people use them for all sorts of things. For example, you can see that a Portland person has one in their front yard!

And an Englishman named John Long was even MORE creative. He converted a red booth into a mini-bathroom! It comes complete with toilet, sink, and a heater so you can stay warm in the frosty winter months.

Best of all, the clear glass has been replaced with frosted glass, so you can have a little privacy while you poo in the red loo! But since it’s outdoors, does anyone actually USE this thing? “To be honest, I probably use it more often than the internal lavatory now,” Long says. “It's just so convenient.” I’ll bet, you lucky guy, you!

Addition: Ziggy Nixon has penned a poem for this occasion!

A Red Loo Where You Can Poo! 
A red loo where you can poo
Can you imagine anything much nicer?
Better things there are only few
Like beer fetching dogs and pizza slicers!

Oh if I had such a place, a magic can
To do my daily deeds and thinkin’,
I’d be a content fellow, a happy man
In the yard, with no cares if I be stinkin’!

And do mine eyes to me be lying
But it comes with built-in heater?
For such a throne I would be dying
This magic seat, a wondrous world beater!

Now you may think it most strange
To convert such a rare red phoning booth!
But if you’ve ever had to go on the range
You know that alternatives are much less couth!

And so John Long from English shores
I salute your brilliant invention!
Now excuse me as I close the doors
It’s time to let loose my colonic retention! 

Story from the Telegraph.

1 comment:

  1. Good one Ziggy! I'm caught between the idea of it it being a fartus Tardis or if the phone still works...


No bad words, thanks!