
June 4, 2010

For the First Time Ever, Nicholas Cage and Ovaltine Are Mentioned in the Same Blog Post!

There's an interview with me over at the Teens Read Too Book Club. And if you want gross, here's a few of my answers!

If your mom wrote the author profile for the jacket of your next book, what would she write?
“We tried our best to raise Bart the right way. But something went very wrong.”

A movie is being made of ONE of your books.  Which book is it, and who will star as the main characters?
I wrote a book titled An Architectural Guidebook to Portland (really!). I’d like to see Nicholas Cage play the role of the Federal Courthouse and Mandy Moore as a plucky little skyscraper who won’t take any backtalk.

You’re writing a book where you can change one major historical event.  Which event do you change?  (For example, Abraham Lincoln wasn’t assassinated, or Japan never bombed Pearl Harbor.)
On January 19th, 1997, I was stirring chocolate Ovaltine into a glass of milk when my hand slipped and I spilled the milk onto my corduroys.

But how would things have turned out differently for me if I had been more careful? This is a subject I’d LOVE to explore in a novel I’d call The Day the Chocolate Cried.

(Hey, what do you mean that’s not a “major historical event”? It took me FOREVER to get that stain out!)
Photo of Mandy Moore at a 
World Toilet Day event from REUTERS.

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