
June 3, 2010

Tales from the Rushmore Kid

Over at her excellent blog, author/artist/cool person Tina Nichols Coury has a post up about The Big Book of Gross Stuff! It reads, in part:
I passed this gem around at a family gathering recently and all the boys from ages 8 to 80 ate it up!  If you have a boy who is a reluctant reader buy him this book…[it] manages to make me cringe and howl with laughter practically on every page…The book is organized in an easy, readable way with fun and descriptive illustrations from Russell Miller. This is one of the most hilarious, adorable, potty-humor books of fun facts (and some made-up facts) that I've seen in a long time. 
Did you see that? This book is adorable AND gross. There should be an award for pulling that off! Many thanks for the kind words, Tina.

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