
August 20, 2010

Fresh Underwear, Stale Spelling

If you’re like me, you wear your underwear for a day, then put it in the laundry. But we don’t have to be slaves to this horrible routine anymore! There’s a service available called manpacks. Specifically, it’s a subscription underwear service that MAILS you fresh underwear. You don’t wash your old pairs, you just recycle them. Or use them for rags!

You’d THINK that the people at manpacks are just joking around. After all, the company motto is:
We created manpacks to give men (and the people who love them) more time to build empires, climb mountains, slay dragons... to achieve the goals they aspire to.
But actually, they seem sort of serious! Behold the manpacks philosophy:
Now take a closer look at number 8:
That would be "achievable." Either someone’s underwear is too tight, or the manpacks' spell checker isn’t working!
Addition! Over at Twitter, manpacks responds:
Sheesh, manpacks...if you can't spell your own company's mission statement right, why should anyone trust you with their underwear?


  1. I can attest that ability to spell 'achievable' has zero impact on quality of underwear. I got my first shipment a week ago and it's great. Seriously!

  2. Fair enough, Rob. Thanks for that!

  3. I two half stated waring them. Whoever, thay get the sises rong (to smal) and it seams to bee cuting of circleulation to my brane...

    Seriously folks, underwear by mail? What happened to the days of being GLAD you had the 1000x washed Homer Simpson boxers to put on? And those extra holes? Ventilation for men with 'sensitive stomachs'... and any woman willing to accept that excuse has EARNED your respect and undying love... jeez...

  4. Good stuff! Thanks for that, Ziggy.

    At our house, old socks, T-shirts, and underwear often become rags. At one point, I was sopping up some spilled apple juice, when I took a closer look at the underwear in my hand...and it wasn't mine!

    You can imagine my shock.

    "That's my DAD'S underwear," my wife explained. And somehow, that didn't make me feel much better...I'd had my father-in-law's used grundies wrapped around my hand?!

    I'm going to my happy place now.

  5. You just had to figure out a way to make this post ultra-gross didn't you? Well done... hornk...

  6. If you're going to nitpick spelling, shouldn't you do it right? The misspelled word was "acheiving" and yet your response states "That would be "achievable."" I'm pretty sure that achievable is not the correct spelling for achieving...

    Just a thought...

  7. ACHIEVE: verb [ trans. ]
    • To reach or attain (a desired objective, level, or result) by effort, skill, or courage: "He achieved his ambition to blog about underwear."
    • Also, to accomplish or bring about: "The posting about underwear achieved a certain level of annoyance in some readers."
    achievable: adjective
    achiever: noun

    Even so, I take your point; nitpicking underwear services is a hazardous affair, and I thank you for the thought.


No bad words, thanks!