August 19, 2009

Unsavory Armpits

At England’s Thorpe Park, there’s lots of roller coaster rides. But if you get on one, don’t raise your arms. It’s not allowed!

Is this a safety concern? Might your arm get thwacked on one of the roller coaster supports and get slightly injured? Nope. You have bad b.o.!

According to Mike Vallis, the park’s director, "We've found that [in the summer] the level of unpleasant smells can become unacceptable... people tend to sweat more than normal due to the fear and anticipation they experience... so it can get really pongy. Therefore, we felt a ban [of arm-raising] would be the best way to ensure our guests... aren't exposed to any unsavory armpits.”

So why do your armpits stink? Because you’re crawling with bacteria! They sure are small little devils. In fact, 30 million bacteria could fit in the dot above this letter: i. But since you have billions of bacteria on you, they do add up.

These bacteria live and die and reproduce on you (and inside of you) nonstop. Do you think you can stop them with anti-bacterial soap? You can! But it’s just for a few seconds And then they’re back, swarming you like ants swarm a pastrami sandwich at the park.

Or like bacteria swarm your armpits on a hot day! (By the way, the brain cupcakes photo belongs to this cool person over here.)

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