September 2, 2010

Of Hairballs and Troy Polamalu

Over at this website, a writer makes an interesting point: A dirty room is much more disgusting than a handful of REAL dirt!

But why? Maybe it’s because dirt in the house is out-of-place.  So when we clean house, we clean the dirt out of it. But dirt in a garden is actually pretty cool. That’s where it belongs!

This works with hair, too. When we see hair on someone’s head, it doesn’t repulse us. It belongs there! But if the hair is dirty, than it’s gross. And since hair in a drain doesn’t belong there, it's nasty!

Hey can you imagine the kind of hairballs that Troy Polamalu pulls out of the shower drain? 

They must be epic!
Top photos from Sociological Images,
Troy's photo from here.

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