June 5, 2011

“It is not a teachers’ job to wipe children’s bottoms”

Man, some schools are SO strict.

Over at Vauxhall Primary School in Liverpool (England), kids who poop or pee their pants are being sent HOME.

What a rip-off! Everyone knows that's not the way it's supposed to work. Here's how I remember it:
Mrs. Edwards: Oh Jenny, you've made a lovely fingerpainting. And Bart, why are you making that funny face?
Me: Urk!
Jenny: Somebody STINKS.
Mrs. Edwards: Oh Bart, again? Off to the school nurse you go. She'll hose you down and give you an entirely new wardrobe.
Yep, those were the days. Anyway, a Vauxhall School spokesperson said, “Unless your child has been diagnosed with a medical condition, it is not our job to toilet-train them. This is a parent’s responsibility and you may be asked to keep your child at home and work with them until they are fully toilet-trained.”

In that case, I never would have been allowed school!

Photo by Krystal O'Neal.

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