For example, I enjoyed the picture to the right by David Shannon.
And Eoin Colfer (of Artemis Fowl fame) left behind this an important bum-flap reminder, below.
Ooh, here's a surprising Santa Claus portrait by Marla Frazee. But as I sat in the most awesome bathroom in the world, I realized two things:
1.) Somebody in the hallway was yelling, "What's taking so long?"
2.) I was never going to be able to photograph it all. I mean, this is just PART of the back of the door:
So it was with great regret that I reached for a poo-ticket ... and saw this handy instruction about the only foreign body that's supposed to end up in the toilet.
Man, what a great bathroom experience! You know, I think that from now on, I'm going to go to Hicklebee's EVERY time I'm in San Jose and I need to "get a book."
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