Many celebrity choices seem normal. For example, actress Amanda Peet is freaked out by spiders. And when Vivica A. Fox said that she doesn’t like B.O. because she’s got “a sensitive nose,” I said “Fair enough.”

That’s why Lisa Kudrow gets extra credit for being specific and not pointing out the most obvious thing there is. “You know sometimes people have that white foam on the sides of their mouth? It’s not really foam, it’s more like glue.” Yeah, that’s pretty bad!

Dumpsters? Yeah, it’s too bad that people are properly disposing of their trash. Maybe we could, like, start a petition against it or something?

Hey, you know what? I’m a celebrity too! After all, I have this blog. And once, I got fan mail. (Thanks, Mom!) So here’s my pet gross peeve: I don’t mind if someone has food on or between their teeth. Some poppy seeds? No worries. Got a chunk of chive? I can look away.
But if there’s something generic and white between someone’s teeth— Ugh. Seeing that is worse than a dumpster full of tomatoes!
And I also can actually get goose bumps of disgust when I see spitwads. There’s something about those little wet pieces of paper that gives me the chills.
find it funny that Kelly Monaco have a problem with dumpsters considering I've seen several staged pictures of her taking out her trash can to the curb.